The Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering’s Educational Offer is organized into:
Course Catalogue
This is the first level qualification awarded at the end of the three-year educational course. You can enter with the upper secondary school diploma. It provides a general theoretical-methodological preparation and professional, technical-operational skills.
This is the second level qualification awarded at the end of the two-year educational course after the Bachelor Degree. It provides an advanced preparation to perform highly qualified professional activities.
This is the qualification awarded at the end of the five-year educational course. You can enter with the upper secondary school diploma. It provides an advanced preparation to perform highly qualified professional activities.
Before registration
Before enrolling in the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, i.e., enrolling and acquiring student status, it is necessary to take a TOLC-I Test.
TOLC tests are individual and take place online. They are tools for orienting and assessing the knowledge required for access to both free and restricted university courses.
How to enroll
The admission requirements are indicated in the Manifestos of the corresponding study courses, accessible through the Catalog indicated above.
Professors in charge for each Board of Study and their Educational Referents are available for giving more information about the educational path, entry requirements and everything may be useful to finalize your choice.
The Faculty’s Guidance Service is also available for an informed choice and to support aspiring freshmen in preparing for access.
Postgraduate education program is accessible after earning a three-year, master's or single-cycle master's degree. It provides:
Information on registration, regulations and fees
[ 11042 ] Infrastrutture e Trasporti
[ 27739 ] Ingegneria Aeronautica e Spaziale
[ 16161 ] Ingegneria Ambientale e Idraulica
[ 26746 ] Ingegneria Chimica
[ 16162 ] Ingegneria dell'Architettura e dell'Urbanistica
[ 26747 ] Ingegneria Elettrica, dei Materiali e delle Nanotecnologie
[ 27738 ] Ingegneria Industriale e Gestionale
[ 26077 ] Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica
[ 11062 ] Meccanica Teorica e Applicata
[ 26749 ] Modelli Matematici per l'Ingegneria, Elettromagnetismo e Nanoscienze
[ 29103 ] Scienze e Tecnologie per i Sistemi Complessi
Information on registration, regulations and fees
1st level
[26135] Gestione integrata e valorizzazione dei patrimoni immobiliari e urbani - Asset, property, facility & energy management
[27680] International disaster management
2nd level
[26792] Bioedilizia e progetto sostenibile
[04519] Cooperazione e progettazione per lo sviluppo
[10609] Efficienza energetica e fonti energetiche rinnovabili
[14343] Gestione dell'aviazione civile
[26773] Gestione e manutenzione degli impianti ecologici
[04587] Ingegneria delle infrastrutture e dei sistemi ferroviari
[27681] Inventive engineering
[27697] Modellazione, analisi e progettazione strutturale avanzata secondo gli eurocodici (EuroProject) (interfacoltà)
[16124] Optics and quantum information (Interfacoltà)
[26813] Progettazione geotecnica
[04631] Satelliti e piattaforme orbitanti
[14384] Sicurezza ambientale e protezione del mediterraneo
[04673] Sistemi di trasporto spaziale