English Exam 11 Sept 2021
B1 Level English Test Saturday 11 September 2021
The B1 test for students who have registered takes place 11 September 2021.
Students may choose between two versions, either on-line at https://meet.google.com/jwq-kbid-rwz at 8:30 am or in person in the classroom Aula 21 at 10:30. In both cases the exam lasts 75 minutes and will use the exam.net platform on the student’s personal computer.
The exam is written and consists of a short text comprehension test and a writing exercise. It is carried out without the use of vocabularies or other aids.
Remote Exam: The student is informed that connecting to the videoconference using the link provided implies acceptance of the method for conducting the written remote exam, as required by the D.R. 0029605 of 17/04/2020.
To carry out the exam in remote written mode, it is expected that the student, in order to guarantee the highest level of regularity of the test, has a device equipped with a camera, microphone, loudspeaker (hereinafter identified as "PC" ) and a second device equipped with a camera, microphone, loudspeaker (hereinafter referred to as a “smartphone”), both with a stable connection to the internet to allow the test to be carried out.
The student must:
• place yourself in a room alone (the teacher will be able to check
environment during the test via the smartphone via the
private Meet videoconference)
The exam workstation should possibly be configured as follows:
• The PC is placed on a table on which the valid identification document (the same uploaded on Infostud) the smartphone are also placed,
Roll-call will be made at a public Meet videoconference from which you will be called to enter a reserved Meet for possible control of identity documents and / or the workstation. 'examination. The student connects to the computer at the public Meet 15 minutes before the start of the exam session to verify identity.
When the exam starts, the exam code will be communicated in the chat of the "public MEET"
The results (pass/fail) will be communicated directly in the student's individual Infostud, without having to verbalize.