Esame Inglese Prof Rankin 26 marzo 2021
The English Language exams PER LA CONOSCENZA DI ALMENO UNA LINGUA STRANIERA (CFU:3), LINGUA INGLESE (CFU:3), LINGUA INGLESE (CFU:3) will take place in written form online using the platform and Google Meet the morning of Friday 26 March 2021.
The exact division of the session and MEET codes will be communicated to enrolled students through Infostud by 24 March.
The MEET rooms will be active 15 minutes before the exam; you must enter with your full name visibile. A video tutorial which explains the use of the platform is available at
La stanza di Meet sarà attiva 15 minuti prima dell’esame. Dovete accedere con il nome vostro visibile.
- You will need a smart phone with the Google MEET app to oversee the exam and verify your identity.
- Always use your institutional email to connect
- You are not allowed to use dictionaries, books, notes or other devices
- Headphones are not permitted during the exam
- Once in the exam on EXAM.NET you must not leave the browser window; be especially careful not to use the TAB or ESC keys which can abort the exam.
- You will insert all your answers directly in the platform on your pc.
Si informa gli studenti che la connessione alla videoconferenza utilizzando il link riportato, implica l’accettazione della modalità per lo svolgimento della prova scritta di esame a distanza, così come prevista dal Decreto 1141/2020 – Prot. n. 0029605 del 17/04/2020