Prof. Tom Rankin

courses | exams | contact

Prof. Rankin has worked as Lettore/ Collaboratore ed Esperto Linguistico at the Sapienze Engineering Faculty since 1992.  

Rankin came to Rome from Boston on a Fulbright Fellowship and stayed on to work on the urban and environmental challenges of Rome.  A registered architect with professional experience in Italy and the U.S., he has consulted with institutions and published extensively in the field of sustainable architecture and urban design. In addition to his English-language courses on Sustainable Cities for DICEA and other seminars on New Technologies and the Green Economy at La Sapienza,  Prof. Rankin is principal instructor for the California Polytechnic State University Rome Program in Architecture and has lectured for the Rome-based programs of numerous American universities. He has served on the boards of various non-profits including the American Institute for Roman Culture, and from 2013-2016 was Director of Tevereterno, ONLUS (a multi-disciplinary project to celebrate Rome's Tiber river).

Complete CV



Prof. Rankin receives students by appointment every Friday from 11-12 in Google Meet:



Intermediate English Language Refresher Course (CEFR Livello B1/B2)

Tuesday 16-18 starting 1 October 2024 Aula 23 Classroom

(especially for students of Building Engineering but open to all)

The course helps prepare students for the B1 and B2 level “idoneitá di inglese”  

It is also designed to prepare students for the Faculty of Engineering B2 TEST given to verify B2 level for enrollment in Masters programs.


C1 Advanced English Language Lecture and Seminar Course (CEFR Livello C1)

Saturdays 10-12 starting 5 October 2025 Aula 15


This intensive advanced-level course examines issues of environmental sustainability in architecture, landscape design and urban planning. Material based on decades-long experience in sustainable design in the US and Europe will be presented in lectures and laboratories. Content will be drawn in particular from the disciplines of Architecture, Urban Design and Environmental Studies. Students will be expected to come with an advanced language level (C1) and participate actively in the class activities.



Gli esami livello B1 per studenti nei corsi Ambiente e Territorio, Ingegneria Civile, e Ingegneria Edile Architettura, si svolgono nei dati indicati sotto:

Session I/II  15/1/2025

Session III 13/06/2025

Session IV  4/07/2025

Session V   16/09/2025


archive of past courses below 

AA 2023-24   Semester Two

C1 Advanced English Language Lecture and Seminar Course (CEFR Livello C1)


AKA "Ecological Urbanism"  This course, conducted entirely in English, introduces students to the problems of sustainable urban design and some of the innovative (and traditional) opportunities and techniques to reduce the environmental impact caused by urban development.  

Wednesday 16-19 starting 13 March 2024

Via Eudossiana, 18 Roma, / aula 12

Please register in Google Classroom at


SSAS B2 Intermediate English for SSAS (CEFR Livello B2-C1)

For students of the Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati Sapienza, 

The course is aimed at perfecting students’ English language skills through lessons of interest to multiple fields.  The course will focus on linguistic practice and conversational lessons. Topics discussed will be general enough to be of interest to various technical and humanistic fields.

Monday 17-19:30 starting 11 March 2024 

Sapienza Università di Roma, Viale Regina Elena, 291 - 00161 Roma / aula tbd


AA 2023-24   I  semestre

Intermediate English Language Refresher Course (CEFR Livello B2) 

(especially for students of Building Engineering but open to all)

The course helps prepare students for the 3 CFU B2 level “idoneitá di inglese”  

It is also designed to prepare students for the Faculty of Engineering B2 TEST given to verify B2 level for enrollment in Masters programs.

Programme available here:  

Thursday 17:30, starting 7 September 2023


AA 2022-23

During the 2023-24 Academic Year, Prof. Rankin is teaching the following courses:


Intermediate English Language Refresher Course (CEFR Livello B2)
giovedì ore 17:30, corso inizia 7 settembre 2023

(especially for students of Buiding Engineering but open to all)

The course helps prepare students for the 3 CFU B2 level “idoneitá di inglese”  

It is also designed to prepare students for the Faculty of Engineering B2 TEST given to verify B2 level for enrollment in Masters programs.

Programme available here:  


saturday 9:00 Via Eudossiana, Roma (Aula 15) course begins 30 settembre 2023
ADVANCED ENGLISH SEMINAR This intensive advanced-level course examines issues of environmental sustainability in architecture, landscape design and urban planning. Material based on decades-long experience in sustainable design in the US and Europe will be presented in lectures and laboratories. Content will be drawn in particular from the disciplines of Architecture, Urban Design and Environmental Studies. Students will be expected to come with an advanced language level (C1) and participate actively in the class activities.


C1 Advanced English Language Lecture and Seminar Course (CEFR Livello C1)
Wednesdays 16-19 inizia marzo 2024


AKA "Ecological Urbanism"  per student nel corso 29904-INGEGNERIA PER L'AMBIENTE E IL TERRITORIO [L-270 - ORDIN. 2019] - L-7

Via Eudossiana, 18 Roma, RM031 aula tbd


AA 2022-23  

C1 Advanced English Language Lecture and Seminar Course (CEFR Livello C1)



AKA "Ecological Urbanism" 

per student nel corso 29904-INGEGNERIA PER L'AMBIENTE E IL TERRITORIO [L-270 - ORDIN. 2019] - L-7

Wednesdays 16-19 

Via Eudossiana, 18 Roma, RM031 aula 11  

Download Program

First meeting: Wed  1 March 2023 

If possible register online before first meeting on Google Classroom

or just come to the first meeting. On 1 March we will be joined for the first lesson by students from the University of Illinois and Hobart William Smith Colleges in the US for an international exchange of ideas about cities. 






B1 English 

for Edile-Architettura Tecniche per la professione del geometra

timetable:Wed 15:00 in Viale Castro Laurenziano Aula 9 starting 20 ottobre 2021

The course prepares students for the 3 CFU B1level exam “Per la conoscenza di almeno una lingua straniera” – Ing.edile-architettura e Tecniche per la professione del geometra – 3 CFU


Programme available her:e


B2 English 

for Edile-Architettura e Tecniche per la professione del geometra

timetable: Wed 16:30 in Viale Castro Laurenziano Aula 9 starting 20 ottobre 2021

The course prepares students for the 3 CFU B2 level “idoneitá di inglese”  

It is also designed to prepare students for the Faculty of Engineering B2 TEST given to verify B2 level for enrollment in Masters programs.

Programme available here:  


B1 International Architectural English (Education and Practice) Civle, Ambiente e Territorio

timetable: to be determined

The course prepares students for the 3 CFU B1level exam “Per la conoscenza di almeno una lingua straniera” – Ing. civile e ing. ambiente e territorio – 3 CFU

Programme available soon.



AA 2021-22   II  semester


C1 Advanced English Language Lecture and Seminar Course (CEFR Livello C1)



AKA "Ecological Urbanism" 

per student nel corso 29904-INGEGNERIA PER L'AMBIENTE E IL TERRITORIO [L-270 - ORDIN. 2019] - L-7

timetable: to be determined

Program available here.


SSAS B2 Intermediate English for SSAS (CEFR Livello B2)

Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati Sapienza

Sapienza Università di Roma

Viale Regina Elena, 291 - 00161 Roma

timetable: to be determined


SSAS C1 Advanced English for SSAS (CEFR Livello C1)

Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati Sapienza

Sapienza Università di Roma

Viale Regina Elena, 291 - 00161 Roma

timetable: to be determined


Intermediate English Language Refresher Course (CEFR Livello B2)

timetable: to be determined

Il corse prepara gli studenti per gli esami di 3 CFU  “idoneitá di inglese”  livello B2. Prepara anche per chi deve sostenere la verifica, senza crediti, per dimostrare la sufficienza B2 per entrare nel Magistrale.





B2 Upper Intermedia English Language Seminar (CEFR Livello B2)

schedule: Fridays16-19

classroom: Aula 25 e MEET.  Google Classroom  or

first meeting: 16 ottobre 2020

The course prepares students for the 3 CFU B2 level “idoneitá di inglese”  

It is also designed to prepare students for the Faculty of Engineering B2 TEST given to verify B2 level for enrollment in Masters programs. 

Programme available here. 

Sample written tests: questions and answers


B1 International Architectural English (Education and Practice) Edile-Architettura Tecniche per la professione del geometra

schedule: Wednesday 15-16:30 

classroom: Aula 8 (Via Castro Laurenziano) and MEET: For information check Google Classroom ga3uoza

first meeting:  28 ottobre 2020

The course prepares students for the 3 CFU B1level exam “Per la conoscenza di almeno una lingua straniera” – Ing.edile-architettura e Tecniche per la professione del geometra – 3 CFU

Programme available here.


B1 International Architectural English (Education and Practice) Civle, Ambiente e Territorio

schedule: Wednesday 16:30 - 18:00

classroom: Aula 8 (Via Castro Laurenziano) and MEET: For information check Google Classroom zll5b4s

first meeting:  4 november 2020

The course prepares students for the 3 CFU B1level exam “Per la conoscenza di almeno una lingua straniera” – Ing. civile e ing. ambiente e territorio – 3 CFU


Programme available here.




AA 2020-21   II  semester


C1 Advanced English Language Lecture and Seminar Course (CEFR Livello C1)



AKA "Ecological Urbanism" 

per student nel corso 29904-INGEGNERIA PER L'AMBIENTE E IL TERRITORIO [L-270 - ORDIN. 2019] - L-7

orario: merc. 16:00-19:00 SPV Aula 36

orario: merc. 16:00-19:00 SPV Aula 36

first meeting: Wed  2 March 2022



Students must register on Classroom at:



SSAS B2 Intermediate English for SSAS (CEFR Livello B2)

Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati Sapienza

Sapienza Università di Roma

Viale Regina Elena, 291 - 00161 Roma


Mondays 17.00-18:30

1st Mieeting: 1 March 2021

Please sign up on Google Classroom before the first class.


Room: Google Meet:




SSAS C1 Advanced English for SSAS (CEFR Livello C1)

Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati Sapienza

Sapienza Università di Roma

Viale Regina Elena, 291 - 00161 Roma


Mondays 18.30-20:00

1st Mieeting: 1 March 2021

Please sign up on Google Classroom before the first class.


Room: Google Meet:


Intermediate English Language Refresher Course (CEFR Livello B2)


orario: TBD

aula TBD

Il corse prepara gli studenti per gli esami di 3 CFU  “idoneitá di inglese”  livello B2. Prepara anche per chi deve sostenere la verifica, senza crediti, per dimostrare la sufficienza B2 per entrare nel Magistrale.






B1 AA 2022-23

Sessione I   13/01/2023

Sessione II  10/02/2023

Sessione III   9/06/2023

Sessione IV  7/07/2023

Sessione V   08/09/2023


B1 AA 2021-22

Sessione I 15/01/2022

Sessione II 11/02/2022 ore 8:30 

Sessione Straordinaria 19/03/2022 

Sessione III 11/06/2022 

11 June 8:30 B1 B1 EXAM
Saturday, 11 June · 8:30 – 9:30am
Google Meet joining info
11 June 8:30 B1 B2 EXAM
Saturday, 11 June · 10:30 – 12:00
Google Meet joining info
Sessione IV 02/07/2022 
2 July 8:30 B2
Google MEET Video call link: Registerd students only, please connect 15 minutes before exam time
2 July 10:00 B1
Google MEET Video call link:  Registerd students only, please connect 15 minutes before exam time
Sessione V 17/09/2022
Sat 17/09/22 8:30 B1 INFO





Students are advised to register for the  Intermediate English Language Refresher Course (CEFR Livello B2) (see above) for more information.

Students who have B2 exams in their Piano di Studio can register through infostud. 

For students applying to magistrale course (not on Infostud, no CFU) follow this link:


B2 AA 2021-22

Gli studenti che hanno l'esame B2 nel piano di studio possono iscriversi su infostud (con i prof. Pugnaletto, Polettini, o Moretti). Per chi deve dimonstrare il livello B2 per il passaggio al Magistrate, vede la pagina dedicata.

VERIFICA DI INGLESE del 16/12/2022  students who have registered for the test will have received an email with the Google Meet link; if you believe to be registered by haven't received the link (sent 12/12) check your spam. 



B1 AA 2020-21

Sessione Straordinaria 22/10/2021 (registrazione, per studenti fc/laureandi su infostud dal 1/10-20/10/21) 

Sessioni III 11/06/2021 

Sessione IV 02/07/2021

Sessione V 11/09/2021 (registrazione su infostud dal 16/8-09/09/21) B1 ore 8:30  INFO:

B1 AA 2021-22

Sessione I 15/01/2022

Sessione II 11/02/2022  Remote, Friday 11/02/2022 8:30-12:30. Students registered with prof. Ciuffetelli will be divided in sessions and the schedule will be available on infostud the day before the exam. See instructions here: link

Sessione Straordinaria 19/03/2022 

Sessione III 12/06/2022 

Sessione IV 02/07/2022
Sessione V 17/09/2022 

Ultime notizie

Data di aggiornamento Titolo
Friday, June 19, 2020 - 9:01pm Online Test procedure for B2 Test Saturday 20 June 2020 La Verifica B2 per gli studenti immatricolando nel magistrale si svolge sabato 20 giugno alle ore 14:00. Dura 75 minuti...
Monday, March 9, 2020 - 11:17am Ecological Urbanism 1st Lesson Online Due to the lockdown the course scheduled to begin this Wendesday 11 March 2020 will take place online until further...
Friday, January 24, 2020 - 6:28pm Esame Ingese - Verbalizzazione La prossima prova di ingese del dott. Rankin si e' spostato a sabato 8 febbraio per evitare il conflitto con l'esame di...
Friday, January 24, 2020 - 11:12am New Courses Starting Soon Prof. Rankin announces two new courses for the II semeser.  Full information is avaiable at
Friday, January 17, 2020 - 7:48am Prova di Inglese 18/01/2020 Prof Rankin's B1 English test will take place in Via Eudossiana, Aula 1 at 9:00.   Prof Rankin's B2 English test will...
Friday, December 13, 2019 - 12:54pm Friday 13 December Due to the closing of the university on 13 December, Prof. Rankin's class and office hours are both postponed until...
Friday, November 15, 2019 - 12:53pm RANKIN 16 November 2019 English Exam The 16 November exam is for students who have completed their 3 years. No other students will be admitted. The written...
Saturday, September 14, 2019 - 7:31am Esame di Inglese 14 Settembre 2019 The test will be held in Aula 24 Via Eudossiana, 18 from 9:00 am
Friday, August 2, 2019 - 12:28pm Ricevimento Rankin Estate 22019 Prof. Rankin will be in his office Friday 2 August 2019 (15 in Aula Lettori) after which he will be on vacation until...
Friday, July 5, 2019 - 1:28pm Esame 6 07 2019 La prova di inglese del prof. Rankin del 06/07/2019 si svolge alle Ore 9, Via Eudossiana, Aula da verificare in...

Aggiornato al 10/19/2024 - 10:01

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma