Seminario Moshe Vardi - 19 dicembre 2016 ore 17:30

Humans, Machines, and Work: The Future is Now

Automation, driven by technological progress, has been increasing inexorably for the past several decades. Two schools of economic thinking have for many years been engaged in a debate about the potential effects of automation on jobs: will new technology spawn mass unemployment, as the robots take jobs away from humans? Or will the jobs robots take over create demand for new human jobs? I will present data that demonstrate that the concerns about automation are valid. In fact, technology has been hurting working Americans for the past 40 years. The discussion about humans, machines and work tends to be a discussion about some undetermined point in the far future. But it is time to face reality. The future is now.

Data e luogo del Seminario: 19 dicembre 2016 - ore 17.30 Aula Amaldi - Edificio di Fisica.




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