NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering

Launched by the National Academy in Washington in 2008, the Grand Challenges Scholars Program intends to increase the sensitivity for projects of concrete social and economic impact among students and researchers. They are rewarded with a "recognition" called the GCSP Award, the proposals for innovation, which act as a "bridge" between different countries and cultures, especially through five competences:

1. Design Competence: design experience on a topic close to a major problem of the 21st century;
2. Multidisciplinary Competence: understanding of the multidisciplinarity of the solutions of engineering systems developed through the student's personal commitment;
3. Economic Competence: direct experience of the need for a feasible business model;
4. Multicultural Competence: to be acquired preferably through direct experience, to guarantee the mutual cultural acceptance of the proposed engineering solutions;
5. Competence of Social Awareness: reflection on the appropriateness that engineering solutions mainly benefit people and society.

(*) To partecipate, please register with NAE-GCSP Focal Point for Italy:

Sapienza University – Grand Challenges Scholars Program
Sala del Consiglio della Presidenza
Via Eudossiana 18, 00184, Roma


Aggiornato al 30/11/2018 - 13:25

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