Comunicazione per laureandi e laureati

The European Space Agency (ESA) is proud to announce the sixth edition of the Spin Your Thesis! programme. Through this programme, several teams of university students will be given the opportunity to carry out experiments in hypergravity using the Large Diameter Centrifuge (LDC) facility at ESA’s European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

Spin Your Thesis! calls for students to design and develop a scientific or technological experiment that requires hypergravity (between 1 and 20 times Earth's gravity) for up to 2.5 days per time with flexible time slots during the  2015 campaign, which will take place in September-October 2015.

The submission deadline for experiment proposals is December 7, 2014.

The  details of this programme can be found on the ESA Education Office website at!_programme

Aggiornato al 05/09/2014 - 10:04

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