International Students Welcome

Dear foreign students,

the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering is pleased to invite you to the “International Student Welcome Day” which will take place on the 21st of September in via Eudossiana 18 (see map below), room 40.
The event is part of the “International Students Welcome Week”, organized by the Internationalization Area, which will take place from the 19th to the 23rd of September at the university campus.
We will start the event at 3:00 p.m., with a presentation, during which we will introduce you to the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering and we will give you all the required informations about the academic life. In addition, a group of tutor students will assist you during the day and will show you the facilities of the Faculty.
We will also organize, at the end of the event, around 5:00 p.m., a “World Coffee Break” during which all the students can also bring a typical food (packaged) of their own Country to share with other students.

We invite you to confirm your participation writing to the email address at:


Aggiornato al 21/09/2016 - 18:10

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